Wednesday, February 24, 2010


What a crazy day!
I finished my exam 1B patient and I did an OD on another patient. I found out that he has two quads of a class 3!!!! WOOT!
I'm pretty excited about that.
I really hope I will be able to find someone who will want a pano!!!

So... Goal for next time:
I NEED to be better at disclosing.
That's my goal.

Monday, February 22, 2010


So today was my first time with braces.
I called her back, she smiled at me and my heart sank!
But you know what... it was awesome! I think I did a good job and I didn't miss a spot!!!
So proud... sniff sniff.

I also did a sealant and helped my buddy Ashlee. We tagged teamed and did 3 sealants on her.
Good day!!!

I still need to work on the OD. I'm just not very fast at it. I thought I was making good time today but it took me an hour!
I zoomed on x-rays though. It took me like 5 minutes to take them and the rest of the time I was just waiting for them to come out.
Next time I'd like to get my OD done in 45 minutes. No matter the patient.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chill day - learning STUFF

Today we learned how to clean dentures, use the diagnodent and take BLOOD glucose levels.
The blood glucose was scary but turned out to be pretty fun.
I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it to someone else but it was all good!

I decided that I am going to really work on probing faster and doing the OD faster. I think it will help a lot.

I hope that I will be able to find people who need panos!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


So I was finally able to finish a patient in one day! YEAH!
I declared my cousin as an exam. Wonderful of wonderfulness.
I still haven't recieved my scores from the exam yet. I'm sure I passed but I think I missed a bunch of points.

So I'm getting a little faster but I still think I want to be able to go faster and be accurate.
I feel like I went really fast and I missed a few spots.

My goal for next appointment is to do a sealant, pano and finish my whole patient!!!
I would also like to become more accurate with the OD.

Monday, February 8, 2010

waiting... part 2

so here I am again.
No patient as of this morning. Luckily one of my patients from later in the month can come.
But... She got a flat tire!!! haha

So hopefully we can get finished today.

Seems like I've written this before

So my patient didn't come today. Just took long to change that flat tire.
I took x-rays on a lady though so I got something done.

I really need to kick it in high gear from now on. I have so much to do with NO time to do it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I had my first experience with a canceled patient today! YAY!
Well last night my patient let me know at 9:00 that she wouldn't be able to come. At least she let me know instead of just not showing up. Tiauna was so amazing and let me call one of her patients so I'm just waiting for her to come.

... ....

She made it! YAY!
She was an hour late but that's okay. I took my time and did a really good OD and I am going to declare her as my class II exam! It will be nice to just get it out of the way.
I also passed off my intra oral camera PE today as well. So all in all, it was a pretty good day.

Next appointment... I want to remember to do EVERYTHING: disclose, check occlusion.
I would also like to get done in one appointment.
That means I need to do the probing within 45 minutes at least.
