Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Success?... not really

So it didn't go as well as I'd hoped. My goal of finishing my 1B patient in one appointment was dashed today.
He had to leave early but I still don't think I would have finished...
I passed off a PE though today so that's good. I feel at least a little accomplished. And I declared him as an exam and although it took me a while I hope I pass.

My goal next appoitnment:

I need to remember to print off the tx plan!!! I always forget this. I have it all ready to get and then bam. goodbye!
Of course, finish a whole apt. start to finish.
Find a class 3 and get them scheduled.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Another day goes on...

Okay so today went pretty well. I did not fulfill my goal in completing a 1B patient in one appointment but she was late and we had to do a whole bunch of HHX stuff. So I don't feel too bad.
I did get two quads done so that's happy.

I still want to work on getting faster. I need to get through the HHx faster.
I would also like to probe faster and better.
Wednesday I have another 1B and I am going to do an exam hopefully.

Still need patients with quite a bit of calculus!
Come to meeeee!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So today went really well. I had a trooper patient and his lower quads were nice and calculused.
And guess what! I finished him today!!! WOOO!
It still took me way too long to do his 1B quad and definitely too long to do his class 2 quads but Kirsten really helped me to realize that hey, I have not done this very much and I'm doing good for how much experience I have.
I did better at ultrasonic - only had to wife off his neck a couple of times.
Scaling went well... I had a few errors but that's all right for a class 2.

The next class 2 I see will have to be an exam! And I'm near the time limit that I should be but I think they will be nice to me.
I think if everyone who said that they wanted to come get their teeth cleaned will come, then I will be just fine with getting all the quads done that I need to.
I just need to get 2 sealants and 2 panos and another fmx and I will feel okay. Oh, not to mention a class 3 and 3 children. yikes! Maybe I have a lot but hopefully I will be able to get it all taken care of.
Come get your teeth cleaned! It will be a great experience!

Next time:
I want to get a 4 on a 1B - get them done in the proper amount of time.
I think that's the biggest thing. If I get faster at scaling then I'll have plenty of time for the rest of it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

What am I doing here?!

Today was a little frustrating. I just feel that I am so slow and that nothing I can do will make me faster.
I know that if I practice, I will get better, however.

I am worried about getting patients scheduled! All of my friends are in Logan and I just don't see them coming clear down here to pay for a cleaning.
We'll see what happens but I think I might be handing out cards in the grocery store... maybe I can convince someone to come with me... TIAUNA! ASHLEE!

My goal for Wednesday is to completely finish my patient. HE's 14 years old so I'm hoping that he will be easy.

I'm struggling most right now with time. I think I do pretty well with scaling... I just take forever doing it.

I am optimistic but it's days like these that I just wonder whether or not I am doing the right thing!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Poor poor Ashley...

Wow... Mixed feelings about today.
My friend Ashley came and we had a blast. Car ride was fun - caught up on things.
The cleaning... eh.... not so great?
Okay no, I am surprised at how well I did but I did some things I wish I wouldn't have such as.... stabbing Ashley.
I feel so bad. I hope that she won't spread slander against me. haha. I hope that she'll come back when I'm a bit better.

I really need to get better at scaling faster! AH!
I also would like to learn how to not give my patient a bath with the ultrasonic.

Not going to lie, my x-rays were great. Very proud of that.

On to the next patient! muahahahahah

Nose to the grind stone!

So I'm back and ready to roll... NOT!
Oh my good golley G... I am not ready for this semester to start.

First day of clinic back was pretty good. I'm glad that we are scaling again because I completely forgot how and I have a patient THIS Wednesday!
And from now on, I will have a patient every clinic day this semeste.r.. I might just pee my pants.
Hopefully not in front of the patient...

I hope our learning today will make me better for Wednesday.
