Thursday, March 24, 2011


Boards went great!
Anyone reading this will probably get upset but I'm just telling how it really went for me.
I picked up my patient that morning and I suggest that those taking the exam in the future should do this because it guarantees that your patient will be there and be there on time.
Her first submission went through, which made me happy and the funny thing is that I didn't check which teeth I added as an extra submission but I started cleaning the wrong tooth at first!!!
Despite this, I think it went really well. When I checked her at the end, everything felt very smooth and I'm pretty sure I did well on probing depths.

SO if I end up failing I'm going to delete this post because I will be so embarrassed. And if I do fail, I deserved it because I really did think that I got off all of the calculus!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you did fabulous so you have every right to be confident! Now if we can just get those dang scores back I think we'll all be able to relax!

